Posted in: Email, facebook, google, social networking, twitter, web20

Google Buzz and the Challenges of Using Email as a Social Graph

I’ve been playing with Google Buzz for a few days, mostly to get a better sense for the interaction model. I’m a heavy Gmail user, so I’ve been particularly interested in how the service integrates with Gmail. While I have enjoyed using Buzz, it has helped crystalize some of my thoughts about why using email […]

Posted in: social networking, tumblr, twitter, web20

Some Early Thoughts on the Differences between Tumblr and Twitter

I recently started using Tumblr about a week and a half ago on the recommendation of my friend, Hiten Shah. I have to admit, that I was really skeptical about whether I would need / enjoy / find use for another microblogging or content sharing service. I was also perplexed how Union Square Ventures could […]

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