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Three Blog Posts In Progress – Advice for Generalists, Why Marketplaces Rule, and Why Video is Tough

I’ve been really busy and sadly derelict in my blogging. I’m working on 3 posts that I’ll preview – if you have thoughts or info to contribute, let me know. Hope to get all three of them out in the next week or so: 1. Are you a “true” or a “new” tech generalist? It’s […]

Posted in: Uncategorized

Why Facebook Might Start Buying App Developers

I’ve been running a small thought experiment in my head of late and figured I’d write it down. I’ve been wondering whether it makes sense for Facebook to start buying application developers who are building things for their platform. Initially, I felt the answer was a clear “no” but I’ve been moving toward a strong […]

Posted in: google, google reader, web20

Google Shared Items – Make It Better So I Can Use It

When I first heard about the Google Shared Stuff application, I was definitely intrigued. I’ve always used to keep track of random pages I find across the web, but I’ve never really loved the interface. The main drawback I have is that I read all of my feeds in Google Reader and it’s so […]

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