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Why High Start-Up Valuations Don’t Bother Me One Bit

I’ve been fascinated by some of the large web 2.0 financings that have either gotten done (Slide) or are rumored to be on the table (RockYou, Meebo, etc). I am a bit perplexed about some of the grumblings about how start-up valuations are out of line with reality. I tend to disagree, but for different […]

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Why Facebook Might Start Buying App Developers

I’ve been running a small thought experiment in my head of late and figured I’d write it down. I’ve been wondering whether it makes sense for Facebook to start buying application developers who are building things for their platform. Initially, I felt the answer was a clear “no” but I’ve been moving toward a strong […]

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MIT/Stanford Venture Lab Event – Shaking the Money Tree of Multi-Platform Social Networks

I’ve been working with the VLAB team to pull together what I think will be an excellent event on OpenSocial and why developers should consider a multi-platform strategy for their applications. More details below – you can register here if you want to go. Shaking the Money Tree of Multi-Platform Social Networks Why Pursue a […]

Posted in: advertising, careers, facebook, marketing, rockyou, slide, social networking, web20

Follow Up to Andrew Chen’s Good Post on Facebook Developers – It’s Mostly about Being Famous

I have been talking to a number of folks I know who are spending a lot of their time building applications or services for the Facebook platform and I have been struggling to really understand the motivation. Then I read this great post on Andrew Chen’s blog about the difference between people who are motivated […]

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