There is a strong case to be made for why Amazon will become a force in the wold of freemium games. Amazon has the three key ingredients – a database of customers who have credit cards, a hardware strategy that will promote customer adoption, and skills as a merchandiser.
Tag: marketing
Mobile App Discovery Is a Developer Problem, Not a Consumer Problem
In my dual roles as a Venture Partner at SoftTech VC and Co-Founder of Bionic Panda Games, I’ve met with a bunch of companies and teams who are focusing on trying to solve the problem of mobile application discovery. Simply put, the problem (as articulated by people trying to solve it) is that there are […]
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Follow Up to Andrew Chen’s Good Post on Facebook Developers – It’s Mostly about Being Famous
I have been talking to a number of folks I know who are spending a lot of their time building applications or services for the Facebook platform and I have been struggling to really understand the motivation. Then I read this great post on Andrew Chen’s blog about the difference between people who are motivated […]