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Help Me Help You -Simple Tips on Making Targeted Asks

Given the state of affairs in the world these days, I try to help as many people as I can. I have a lot of friends who are looking for jobs, looking to network for job security, or otherwise need help in connecting with a person or organization. Invariably most of this communication / connection […]

Posted in: Uncategorized

Would You Spend the Next 20-30 Years of Your Career in Silicon Valley?

I have to admit that the genesis for this post was a conversation I had with some of my business-minded friends during the first half of the Super Bowl. One of my friends, who runs his own venture-backed company, asked the group whether we thought the classic Silicon Valley, venture-funded tech startup scene was the […]

Posted in: careers

San Jose Mercury News – Forget the Ivy League: Most valley CEOs went public

I was browsing the Merc today and came across this interesting article titled “San Jose Mercury News – Forget the Ivy League: Most valley CEOs went public” about how two-thirds of the CEOs at the largest public companies in Silicon Valley got their undergraduate degrees at public institutions. It was a good read in terms […]

Posted in: careers, web20

Are Smart People Wasting Time on Bad Ideas?

About 2-3 times per year I’ll happen upon a conversation thread that makes me uncomfortable. If I hear it from one person whose opinion I respect, I tend to file it away. If I hear it from two people whose opinion I respect, I make note of it. If I hear it from 3 people […]

Posted in: careers, enterprise, office20, web20

More Thoughts on “Enterprise Software’s Youth Drain”

I was reading this really interesting post on GigaOm about how young people aren’t going into enterprise software anymore. My initial thoughts are that enterprise software feels like trucking or transportation – lots of revenue but limited growth opportunities. Some of the reasons that younger folks are deserting enterprise software can be chalked up to […]

Posted in: careers

What Do Business Development People Do, Anyway?

This is a post I’ve been wanting to write for a long time but I haven’t had the time or the clarity to actually sit down and write it until now. Looking back at my (short) career in business, I realize that most of the jobs I’ve had have a relationship or business development component […]

Posted in: careers

“The Wheel” and the 5 Ps of Job Satisfaction

We’re going to have some summer interns in my group so I have been spending some time thinking about what makes people happy at work. A long time ago I had a really good co-worker who gave me a good little tool to think about what makes people happy at work. My co-worker, who shall […]

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