Posted in: careers

Social Networking Experiment

So I recently started a new job at Google working in business development. As a new person, I am trying to get to know as many folks over here as I can. How can you help? Well, if you work at Google and are reading this, send me an email and tell me where you work and a bit about yourself (you can look me up on the intranet). If you contact me, I will respond and we can find a time to meet — no agenda required.

If you don’t work at Google but have friends who work at Google and think I would enjoy meeting them, you can send me an email including your friend’s name and I will coordinate with him/her directly.

This is a mini experiment to see how effective my FoF network can be in helping me to navigate a new place. I don’t know of a good tool that would help me accomplish this same experiment without sending a lot of inbox spam.

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