Posted in: wifi, Wireless Communications

Why are Broadband Access Cards Getting Overlooked?

This is a really short post. I’ve had two broadband access cards for my laptop in the last 6 months (one from AT&T and one from Verizon) and I have to say that these cards are the most useful work-related communications tools I’ve found since I got my first Blackberry. Aside from allowing me to […]

Posted in: caltrain, wifi, Wireless Communications

Caltrain Rejecting Wi-Fi for Trains Makes Sense to Me

I was reading this post on how Caltrain is rejecting a bid to build out Wi-Fi for the train system. As someone who rides Caltrain from Mountain View to SF once or twice a week, I think it’s a smart move. I’ve noticed that people who regularly ride the train and really want to work […]

Posted in: facebook, iphone, meebo, netvibes, Wireless Communications

The iPhone and the Fat Head of Mobile Content

I continue to be impressed by the way in which the iPhone is tackling the “fat head” (as opposed to the “long tail”) of web content. For a phone with fewer than 1 million units as its installed base, the iPhone has done a remarkable job in doing something that few, if any, other mobile […]

Posted in: blackberry, blackberry curve, treo, Wireless Communications

Best Article I’ve Read on Palm in a Long Time (Good Work, Engadget)

In one post, the team over at Engadget just summed up all of my thoughts about the Treo. I am really into phones and gadgets and I have relegated the Treo to the also-ran category as of about two years ago. I would love to see Palm reinvigorate this brand and do something interesting in […]

Posted in: blackberry, blackberry curve, Gadgets & Handsets, iphone, Wireless Communications

Random Musings on Wireless Data from an iPhone Holdout

I’ve been traveling for vacation the last week or so and have had to rely on my Blackberry as my primary means of communication. As I’ve been using it more and more, I’m realizing how much the mobile data experience is still an early adopter phenom and am becoming more skeptical that it will change […]

Posted in: apple, blackberry curve, iphone, Wireless Communications

What I’d Need to See to Buy the iPhone

As a self-described gadget junkie, I continue to be perplexed about why I’m not clamoring for the iPhone. About 3 weeks ago I went into Cingular and picked up the new Blackberry Curve to replace my Pearl and didn’t even think twice about waiting for the iPhone to release. Aside from the fact that I […]

Posted in: Gadgets & Handsets, Mobile Entertainment, Wireless Communications

Initial Reaction to the iPhone – Mildly Skeptical but Impressed

Somehow CES seems a lot less exciting now that Apple announced the iPhone. I figured I would take a break and just post my initial thoughts now that all of the “ooh” and “ahh” of seeing the device online has subsided a bit. My basic view is that it is the most gorgeous phone that […]

Posted in: Gadgets & Handsets, Wireless Communications

Do I Need Wi-Fi on my Mobile Phone?

After more than a year with my Blackberry 7100t, I am thinking of getting a new phone. I am particularly intrigued by two new offerings from HTC that will be made available via T-Mobile. There are rumors and visual evidence that the SDA and MDA will be made available for pre-order later this week. Both […]

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