Posted in: facebook, google, paypal, social networking, web20

Apple, Facebook, and Google – When to Launch Platform Payments

I’ve been tracking the progress of Google’s In-App Purchases for awhile. It’s not just academic to me – we’re building Android games over at Bionic Panda Games and the development of that product is pretty important to us. Previously, I worked on the Facebook Platform, which went through its own process in launching Facebook Credits. […]

Posted in: facebook, google, paypal

What Can Facebook Learn from Google Checkout and Amazon Payments?

I’ve been thinking a lot about this whole idea of “Pay With Facebook” and the ability for people to eventually use their Facebook credentials to pay for things on and off Facebook. When I was at Google, I worked on Google Checkout for a year and have also been spending a lot of time studying […]

Posted in: Business, facebook, google, paypal, social networking, web20

What’s the Use Case for Facebook Payments Off Facebook?

I’ve had Facebook on the brain lately – not surprising given that I work at a company that builds games for the Facebook platform. One of the more interesting things I’ve been trying to figure out is the use case for a “Pay with Facebook” or Facebook payments solution off the Facebook platform. Changing the […]

Posted in: Business, covestor, intuit, microsoft, mint, money, money20, paypal, personal finance, quicken, web20, wesabe

Money 2.0 – Aspirin or Vitamins?

I had been thinking a lot about personal finance this past few weeks and then I saw a TechCrunch post on how Mint raised more money and has been growing nicely. So I posted a tweet over the weekend with the following comment: i’m not sure people are ready to hand over financial creds to […]

Posted in: paypal, revolution money

Revolution Money Sounds Interesting

As usual, VentureBeat had a good post on a cool company. I was reading about Revolution Money, the new service designed to help consumers and merchants save money and make it easier to buy things online. I was particularly interested in the Revolution Money Exchange product – it sounds really cool. The basic story for […]

Posted in: amazon, api, developers, ebay, google, paypal, web20

Amazon Flexible Payments – Scary Good for Merchants

I have to give Amazon credit – they’ve put together most of the things you need to assemble to make life easy for developers. They have a compute environment, bandwidth, affiliate products, an existing customer base, and a way to accept money. What more could a developer ask for from a platform provider? True cost […]

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