Posted in: facebook, foursquare, Gadgets & Handsets, social networking, web20

Location Based Games are Hard and Check-Ins Aren’t the Answer

I’ve been chatting with a lot of people who are working on mobile games with a strong location component. Almost all of them are trying to do some mashup of a game plus check-in data to do something interesting. At its core, the concept sounds intriguing. To date, I don’t think anyone has really cracked […]

Posted in: facebook, foursquare, social networking, twitter, web20

Facebook Places Hasn’t Cut Into My foursquare Usage – Some Thoughts

In an earlier blog post, I speculated a bit about what Facebook Places might ultimately mean for foursquare. It’s clear to me that Facebook is putting a lot of attention on its Places product, both in terms of the product itself and the business relationship between places and national and local merchants. They seem to […]

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