Posted in: avvo, Beta, Business, metaweb, powerset, venture capital, vertical search, web20

The Return of the Large Pre-Launch Consumer Web Financing

I’ve been clipping stories about companies who have raised fairly large (as in greater than $10 million) amounts of venture capital for consumer web services prior to launch. I am not sure that three data points constitutes a trend, but I noticed that Avvo in Seattle (link here), Powerset here in the Valley (link here), […]

Posted in: Beta, blackberry, simulscribe, voiceapps, voip

Early Experiences Using Simulscribe – I Really Like It

Every now and then I find a service which, despite the pains of getting it configured, delivers immediate “ah ha” value from the first few times you use it. I have been using Simulscribe for about a day now and I think it’s great. Simulscribe’s basic value proposition is very simple. If someone calls you […]

Posted in: Beta, grandcentral, voiceapps, voip

Grand Central – I like the application but there’s one big catch

I have been playing around with Grand Central for the last week or so. Grand Central’s basic value proposition is that they give you one phone number which you can then route to any other number you choose based on business rules. As a former Vonage subscriber, it’s very similar to the functionality that Vonage […]

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