Posted in: advertising, facebook, web20

What I’ve Learned about Facebook Advertising by Spending $1,000 – Lots of Promise, Lots of Work to Do

Over the past few months, I’ve been really interested in developing a better understanding for how effective Facebook’s advertising tools are. I’ve done this strictly for my own events business, not for Serious Business. For a total expenditure of slightly over $1,000, I feel like I’ve come up with a few opinions / thoughts on […]

Posted in: advertising, careers, facebook, marketing, rockyou, slide, social networking, web20

Follow Up to Andrew Chen’s Good Post on Facebook Developers – It’s Mostly about Being Famous

I have been talking to a number of folks I know who are spending a lot of their time building applications or services for the Facebook platform and I have been struggling to really understand the motivation. Then I read this great post on Andrew Chen’s blog about the difference between people who are motivated […]

Posted in: >play, advertising, conferences, marketing, mobile, video, web20, youtube

Thoughts on the >play Conference at Berkeley

I spent a good chunk of my last Saturday at the >play conference at Berkeley. Overall, I thought it was a well-produced show and the team behind it should be proud of what they pulled together. Mobile Advertising is Neither Well-Defined nor Understood. The conference session I attended called “The Co-Evolution of Marketing and New […]

Posted in: advertising, facebook, lookery

Follow-up on Facebook Advertising Networks

In a previous post I made a comment about how I’d be leery of getting too giddy about the potential for Facebook advertising networks until Facebook makes its own intentions more clear. Based on this piece in Venturebeat, things are about to get a lot more interesting. I continue to believe that Facebook needs to […]

Posted in: advertising, facebook, rockyou, slide

Are Facebook Ad Networks Worth the Trouble?

My friend (and former college drawmate) Sundeep Ahuja posted the full version of his post about Facebook ad networks here (a redacted version was posted on Inside Facebook yesterday). I think it’s a good overview of what’s happening in the Facebook ad universe today and I have a few thoughts in response. Let me say […]

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