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4 Things I Hope the FriendFeed API Enables

After hearing about FriendFeed’s upcoming API, I’ve been thinking about the kinds of features and functionality I’d like to see enabled once the API is available. At the end of the day, I really like the conversations that happen on FriendFeed and I hope the upcoming API offers folks a way to share those conversations with a wider audience of people and allows those conversations to follow and live with the content itself.

Develop a plug-in that pulls blog entry comments from FriendFeed and puts them on my blog with the original post
The conversations that happen on FriendFeed are really interesting. I would love to be able to pull those comments out of the system and have them live with the original content.

Take comments from my blog and have those show up in FriendFeed
In the same vein as the point above, I’d like to have comments left by folks who read my blog show up in FriendFeed.

Develop an desktop application for FriendFeed that works on my desktop
Sometimes I don’t want to go to a web-browser or an RSS reader to see what’s happening on FriendFeed. A small desktop app (similar to the ones that have been popular for Twitter) would be a great way to follow the conversations as they happen.

De-duplication and popularity leaderboard
Similar to Techmeme, there are a lot of stories / posts in FriendFeed that I see shared by multiple people. Not everyone points to the same source feed as the next person and I’d love to see what the most popular, fastest-moving, or commented / liked items are in FriendFeed. Ditto on the people whose posts and content are generating the most activity.

Comments (7) on "4 Things I Hope the FriendFeed API Enables"

  1. Yes yes yes! Comments! The first social aggregator that integrates blog comments will win my vote, and might win the world, too. Add comments to FriendFeed and it’s a game changer instead of “a feature” as someone said…

    Of course, I gotta go post this as a comment on FriendFeed too so someone will read it! Hahaha

  2. So I’ll be contentious: Yes, the ability to pull comments from the blog into friendfeed is interesting, but no more interesting than pulling on the content of the post itself. And yes, pushing FF comments made by people who subscribe to you on to your blog’s page is interesting, but not all those comments made on FF shares when someone else shared, delicioused, tumblred or otherwise brought your blog post into friendfeed. There could be a dozen or a hundred conversations in FF that arise out of a single blog post, but those conversations are socially scoped around the person who brought it to FF. These may be conversations *about your content* but not conversations *for, with, or to you* or your greater audience. Thoughts?

  3. Kevin,

    Thanks for the comment. At the end of the day, I’m happy to have the best conversations about content I publish happen on FriendFeed – I don’t need to own them on my blog. but i would like to be able to tell people “hey, go to FriendFeed and talk with other people who find this interesting” or to be able to show readers that there is an active discussion about a particular topic happening somewhere else if they’d like to join in the fray. i think that’s good for me as a publisher and good for FriendFeed, no? Even a “this post has been liked x times and generated y comments on FriendFeed – go hear to see more” would be great.

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