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For Entrepreneuers – 1 Year of Runway Helps (If You Can Get It)

I’m about a year into life as a first-time co-founder of a traditional product-oriented tech company. I’ve done two other services companies, but product companies are different. The one interesting thing about starting a product company is that you will get a wealth of advice from other people. Most of it centers around hiring the […]

Posted in: facebook, google, mobile, social networking, web20

Are Facebook Credits and the Apple App Store on a Payments Collision Course?

Just a quick thought that’s been on my mind of late. I’m trying to figure out how two major changes I see in social and mobile games will be reconciled: 1. Many social games developers are gradually beginning to embrace deeper integrations of Facebook Credits into their on-Facebook social games. In a number of cases, […]

Posted in: Uncategorized

Thoughts on Social Travel – My Own Social Graph Isn’t Good Enough

I have been doing a lot of travel lately, some for work and some for fun. The one thing that continues to stun me is the dominance of TripAdvisor as a source of reviews whenever I go to a new place and start looking for restaurant or hotel reviews. It reminds me a lot of […]

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