As usual, VentureBeat had a good post on a cool company. I was reading about Revolution Money, the new service designed to help consumers and merchants save money and make it easier to buy things online. I was particularly interested in the Revolution Money Exchange product – it sounds really cool. The basic story for […]
Month: September 2007
I Don’t Get the Open Social Graph Meme (and why the Facebook “Tax” is OK by Me)
Every now and then some meme goes around the blogosphere that I just don’t get (check out this post, this post, or this post if you want a good summary). Right now, that’s how I feel about the “open social graph” meme that keeps talking about how we need an open system for social networking […]
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Renkoo and the Facebook Success Plan Problem
Sometimes you come across an article that’s just a great example for something you’ve been thinking about for awhile. Over on Inside Facebook there’s a great post about how Renkoo’s Boozemail application has become really popular. Given that the application is driving a lot of traffic over to Renkoo, they’re faced with the question of […]
Yahoo and Zimbra
When I read about the Yahoo and Zimbra deal, I was pretty impressed. As someone who has used the Zimbra mail product before, I have to say it’s one of the strongest product offerings in the space. More than that, though, I think there are two really good reasons for Yahoo to pick up Zimbra […]
Why are Broadband Access Cards Getting Overlooked?
This is a really short post. I’ve had two broadband access cards for my laptop in the last 6 months (one from AT&T and one from Verizon) and I have to say that these cards are the most useful work-related communications tools I’ve found since I got my first Blackberry. Aside from allowing me to […]
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Setting Thunderbird Free is Really Interesting
I read a bunch of posts on how Mozilla is setting the Thunderbird client free to pursue a semi-independent destiny (I’ll cite Om’s piece as I thought it was good and succinct). I think this is a really interesting move for Mozilla to make for a couple of reasons: 1. Most application development is so […]
Xobni is Very Cool
I have been using Xobni for 24 hours. It is very cool and it really lives up to its billing thus far. Per their request, I won’t post screenshots or delve too deeply into how it works. It’s neat enough to make me think about using Outlook as my regular mail client again.
Google Apps and Cap Gemini – Learn First, Make Money Second
I was reading this post on RWW about how Google and CapGemini are going to work together to drive Google Apps adoption in the enterprise. The post lined up with a bunch of things I’ve been thinking about after reading some Office 2.0 recaps. Is it just me or does there seem to be a […]
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Caltrain Rejecting Wi-Fi for Trains Makes Sense to Me
I was reading this post on how Caltrain is rejecting a bid to build out Wi-Fi for the train system. As someone who rides Caltrain from Mountain View to SF once or twice a week, I think it’s a smart move. I’ve noticed that people who regularly ride the train and really want to work […]
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Who’s Afraid of Google? The Economist Missed It
As a former Googler, I saw the cover of the Economist with the big article about “Who’s Afraid of Google?” and I have to say that it wasn’t at all what I had expected. As someone who did work at Google for about 18 months and really enjoyed it, I was expecting a piece more […]