Posted in: Business, Search

Vertical Search Business Models – It’s All about Economic Transactions

For the past week I have been talking with a bunch of people about vertical search business models. I have a pretty bipolar perspective on vertical search; some days I think there is a business there and some days I don’t. After many enlightening conversations, my general thoughts can be summed up in the following […]

Posted in: Business, Gadgets & Handsets

Clearing Up Rumors on T-Mobile MDA and SDA Release Date

I was eager to find out when the MDA and the SDA smartphones are scheudled to launch on T-Mobile. Reliable sources had mentioned “the 19th” and “the 20th” as the launch dates. Those are close, but not correct. I called T-Mobile and here is what the representative told me about the official ship dates for […]

Posted in: Gadgets & Handsets, Wireless Communications

Do I Need Wi-Fi on my Mobile Phone?

After more than a year with my Blackberry 7100t, I am thinking of getting a new phone. I am particularly intrigued by two new offerings from HTC that will be made available via T-Mobile. There are rumors and visual evidence that the SDA and MDA will be made available for pre-order later this week. Both […]

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