Posted in: ning, social networking

Will Ning Help or Hurt the Social Networking Ecosystem?

With all of the blogosphere buzz about the re-launch of Ning, I thought I would go ahead and play with the tool and try to set up a new social network on the fly. I timed myself and I was able to create a very basic social networking application for residents of my hometown and […]

Posted in: books

Reflections on Founders at Work

I finally finished reading Founders at Work by Jessica Livingston and overall thought it was a very good read. There was enough variety in terms of the stories, challenges, and businesses that there ought to be at least one or two stories that resonate with anyone interested in how technology companies get started. After reading […]

Posted in: Email, Uncategorized

Looking for a Webmail-friendly Tickler Program

Today I had the pleasure of having a brief call with someone I really like (link to his blog here) and I realized it has been almost a year since he and I had a chance to really chat. Our conversation made me realize that what I really want/need is the equivalent of a tickler […]

Posted in: Beta, grandcentral, voiceapps, voip

Grand Central – I like the application but there’s one big catch

I have been playing around with Grand Central for the last week or so. Grand Central’s basic value proposition is that they give you one phone number which you can then route to any other number you choose based on business rules. As a former Vonage subscriber, it’s very similar to the functionality that Vonage […]

Posted in: Events, Products

MIT/Stanford VLAB – Consumer Products Innovation 2007

This should be a good event – let me know if you’re planning to go: MIT/Stanford Venture Lab (VLAB) Presents: Consumer Products Innovation 2007 Registration $35 – Online registration $40 – Day of the event Date and Location Tuesday, February 20, 2007 at Stanford Graduate School of Business 6:00 – 7:30PM Networking/Buffet reception […]

Posted in: social networking

Connecting Social Networks – I Just Don’t Get the Fuss

I have been reading a lot of posts lately, including this one on the O’Reilly blog about how great it would be if we could either a) federate identity across the various social networking applications that exist today or b) socially-enable applications (phone, IM, email, etc) that I already use. My hunch is that none […]

Posted in: Business

Is International Traffic a Blessing or a Curse?

This is really more of a blurb than a post. I have been talking to quite a few folks in the market today who have really fast growing web 2.0 or mobile applications where a significant portion of the traffic, pageviews, unique users, and usage comes from the developing world. In almost every case, the […]

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